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CMMS Software Management System

CMMS Software stand for Computerized Maintenance Management System is software to help companies to centralize maintenance tasks information, automate the process, and streamline maintenance operations. We develop maintenance management software that integrates with existing platforms and equipment to increase uptime and productivity, lower maintenance costs, and extend the lifetime of the equipment.

CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management Software) will integrate all construction processes helping your company to streamline processes of maintenance, enterprise asset management and planning, and scheduling maintenance support.

Preventive Maintenance Management

A Computerized Maintenance Management System is a cloud-based AI powered software responsible for optimizing tools repairs, Inventory management, monitoring costs, alerts notifications about work order management, and other functions;

Chetu develops CMMS solutions Artificial Intelligence integrating existing assets, maximizing their longevity with preventive maintenance. We create the best mechanisms to store information such as ID tags, operational manuals, and warranty info, schedule both; calendar-based and meter-based preventive maintenance team tasks, create detailed task lists and procedures, and more.

Asset Management and Equipment Management

Chetu's predictive maintenance management software developers allow easy access to documentation, such as images, video files, and manuals, and allow users to locate equipment on floor plans and maps instantly. A maintenance management system CMMS, save the time of enterprise asset performance and can calculate total cost by optimizing asset maintenance activities and management work order requests.

Real-time Notifications and Alerts

We develop automated software that allows you to create work orders on-the-go, get notifications when tasks are updated, and receive push notifications alerts straight on your phone when assets go down. Cloud-based AI powered software helps to facility management and give the ability to easy management work orders on your smartphone.

Inventory Management System

We develop solutions to monitor the health of your locations, asset management, equipment, and inventory all in one place. Our solutions allow you to store information such as part numbers, minimum and maximum thresholds, storage location, and more.

Access Your Data Anytime, Anywhere

We program secure data backup solutions that store valuable data from your cloud. You can access your information daily and on any mobile device at anytime, anywhere.

Monitor Costs and View Reports

Our solutions reduce your downtime by monitoring your work orders and equipment. Review reports to spot recurring trends to increase uptime.

CMMS Solutions

Scenario Planning, Resources and Dispatching

Our CMMS implementation systems include scenario planning tools and graphical plan boards to visualize upcoming work. We develop Drag and drop functions that allow you to move work, postpone activities, merge maintenance jobs or split activities. The impact on workloads and budgets is recalculated and visualized immediately.

Work Order Management

We store all generated maintenance work orders and job tickets in a central work order repository. Users can search for open, planned, or closed maintenance work by building enterprise assets, engineering, or any other relevant search criteria. Our CMMS implementation services allow engineers to easily access their work, update or close job tickets, or query relevant asset information or work order management procedures and checklists.

Health and Safety

Our CMMS implementation supports compliance with health and safety regulations to ensure both; a healthy workplace environment and a safe execution of maintenance work. Our CMMS solutions that include health and safety documentation, procedures, checklists, and workflows for any work maintenance operations to ensure compliance.

Mobile Solutions

Chetu Engineers create custom-tailored CMMS mobile maintenance software from the ground up, designed to support field engineers when they’re on the job. Custom CMMS solutions allow engineers to view & select their next job, read work instructions, capture time & spare parts used, query asset-specific info, complete a job, and accomplish other essential tasks all from their mobile devices or smartphones.

Monitoring and Analyses

Our CMMS software offers a broad range of management dashboards and key performance indicators (KPI's) to analyze the performance of your assets and effectiveness of your maintenance programs and investment. Our online dashboards also allow you to monitor and evaluate the performance of providers, to determine if they meet contracted service level agreements (SLA's), uptimes, times to complete, costs and quality.


Drop us a line or give us a ring. We love to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions.

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